
Corporate Philosophy

岡山大学は、全学を上げて国連が提唱するSDGs(Sustainable Development Goals)への達成貢献を推進しており、Society5.0時代のサステナビリティーとウェルビーイングを最先端のICT技術で実現するために、私たち《そなえ株式会社》は「アジャイル・イノベーション」を重要なテーマとして位置づけ、迅速な意思決定と素早い開発サイクルを可能にする組織を目指します。

Sonae Corporation(Ltd.) is a venture company which originated from Okayama University. Our goal is to be a "bridge for life = preparedness in case of emergency" by connecting medical institutions, companies, and people in the community and the world with cutting-edge ICT technology toward the realization of a sustainable, healthy society.
We believe that our business activities are not merely for profit, but are also as a social contribution through creating and sharing new values. Together with various stakeholders, and in cooperation with domestic and international companies, research institutions, and governments we strive for "safe and secure medical care" and "healthy and happy lives" in the region and the world. As the saying goes, "It is better to give than to receive",and we believe that we are also helping to contribute to society.
Okayama University is working to contribute to achieving the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) advocated by the United Nations. In order to realize sustainability and well-being in the Society 5.0 era which uses cutting-edge ICT technology, we at Sonae CoLtd., have adopted "Agile Innovation" as an important theme. We aim to be an organization that encourages and enables quick decision-making and speedy development cycles.
We place the utmost priority on protecting lives in any emergency situation. Through new technological developments that only a university-launched venture can provide, we aim to help establish a "safe and healthy smart society where no one is left behind". We believe that by connecting with people in the region and around the world, we can encompass the values common to all mankind: ``a spirit of mutual respect and helping one another.

Corporate Background

このたび私たちは、「iPiccs®(アイピクス)」を始めとするICTを活用した各種サポートシステムをもっと広く地域・世界に普及させ、一人でも多くの皆さまに安心と健康を届けるべく、岡山大学発ベンチャーとしてそなえ株式会社((株)sonae)を創業することになりました。これからも私たちは、先人達から受け継ぐ慈愛に満ちた医の精神と大学ならではの革新的創発力を発展させ、STI(Science, Technology, Innovation) for SDGsを通じた新たな価値創造に取り組み、皆さまのウェルビーイングの向上に貢献してまいります。

Today, the society we live in has entered an era of great instability and unpredictability due to various disasters, diseases, conflicts, and other issues that need to be resolved through the involvement of the local community and the world at large.
In the face of these changing times, all nonprofit and for-profit organizations, including governments, associations, and corporations, are beginning to be asked to consider what their role should be in the future. In particular, due to the pursuit of profit-making principles of capitalism over an extended period of time, many companies and governments are still lagging behind in their support for the socially vulnerable in terms of ensuring their health and safety.
Therefore, we believe it is important for all companies living in the upcoming Society 5.0 era to reevaluate their social responsibilities and what their role should be from the perspective of corporate ethics. Companies should strive to utilize as many of their resources as possible for inclusive social contributions in order to realize a society in which people can enjoy a rich life, both physically and mentally, and a sustainable society in which no one is left behind. We believe it is important to utilize the resources we have to make an inclusive social contribution. In particular, support for women's crisis management during childbirth is one of the most critical social issues that requires urgent solutions not only in Japan, where the population is declining, but also in Asia, Africa, and other regions with growing populations. In order to help solve this issue, we, as an educational and research institute, have developed an emergency maternal transport assistance system known as "iPiccs®" which uses state-of-the-art ICT technology. It is a new development in the medical field of diversity and inclusion (D&I) activities that Okayama University, a research university promoting SDGs, is currently undertaking. We believe that “iPiccs®" is an innovation that should be widely available to the local community and the world as a new development in the field of healthcare.
We have decided to establish Sonae Corporation (sonae Co., Ltd.) as a venture company, originating from Okayama University, in order to help spread the use of iPiccs® and other ICT-based support systems more widely throughout the region and the world, and to bring peace of mind and health to as many people as possible. We will continue to work with our predecessors to develop new products and services that will help people to live healthier lives. We will also continue to develop the spirit of compassionate medicine inherited from our predecessors and the innovative power of Okayama University to create new ideas through STI (Science, Technology, Innovation) for SDGs, and to contribute to the improvement of society’s well being.

Corporate Goals

SDGsが掲げるゴール・ターゲットにおいて、特に以下の2項「Goal 3.d:すべての国々、特に開発途上国の国家・世界規模な健康リスクの早期警告、リスク緩和およびリスク管理のための能力を強化する。」「Goal 9.1:質が高く信頼できる持続可能かつレジリエントな地域・越境インフラなどのインフラを開発し、すべての人々の安価なアクセスに重点を置いた経済発展と人間の福祉を支援する。」の達成にむけ全力で取り組みたいと考えます。

We strive to do our utmost to achieve the targets set forth by the SDGs, particularly the following 2 goals - “Goal 3.d : Strengthen the capacity of all countries, especially developing countries, for early warning, risk mitigation and risk management of national and global health risks.” and “Goal 9.1: Develop high quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transboundary infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with an emphasis on affordable access for all.”
We at Sonae aim to share our expertise in perinatal care and longevity, of which Japan is proud, to countries around the world while creating new and innovative systems which will be useful for clinical practices and daily lives.

Project Information

Project to develop iPicss®, a maternal emergency transport assistance system for information sharing between different hospitals, between hospitals and emergency transport, and in the event of a disaster
Project to construct a transport assistance system for information sharing between aged care facilities and hospitals, between emergency transports, and in the event of disasters.
Project to build a database for the Maternal and Child Health Handbook (development of WeLoveBaby application which includes medical information, infant medical checkups, maternal health checkups information, etc.)
Preparing for a safe and healthy pregnancy, birth, and child-rearing
■家族支援への備え ■災害アイテム販売委託、アイテマ(愛入り手間なし)アイテムの紹介
Consignment and introduction of disaster preparedness items for sale
Commissioned services using internet sales, magazines, SNS and video distribution
Preparing for Women's and Children's Health Care
Various services related to data utilization
Preparation for various meeting support
Educational support using IoT
Planning, management, facilities, and consulting services for conferences, lectures, etc.

Information Security Policy

SONAE is committed to company-wide information security based on the following policy in order to protect our information assets and those entrusted to us by our customers from threats such as accidents, disasters, and crimes, and to live up to the trust of our customers and society.

Management's Responsibility
The management of the Company shall take the initiative in systematically and continuously improving and enhancing information security.

Establishment of internal systems

Efforts by Employees
Our employees shall acquire the knowledge and skills required for information security and ensure that our information security efforts are solid.

Compliance with laws, regulations, and contractual requirements
We shall comply with laws, regulations, norms, and contractual obligations related to information security, and shall meet the expectations of our customers.

Response to Violations and Accidents
In the event of a violation of laws, regulations, rules, or contractual obligations related to information security or an accident, we will take appropriate action to prevent recurrence of such an incident.